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The Official STEM Magazine of Scarsdale High School

Scientific Scarsdalian

The Official STEM Magazine of Scarsdale High School

Scientific Scarsdalian

The Official STEM Magazine of Scarsdale High School

Scientific Scarsdalian


Favorite Science Subject?

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Favorite Science Subject?

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Myth Busters: Is Milk Really Better For You?
Myth Busters: Is Milk Really Better For You?
Chloe Ji, Writer • January 15, 2023
Neuroplasticity: The Brain's Secret Superpower
Neuroplasticity: The Brain's Secret Superpower
Eian Tsou, Writer • November 11, 2022
Hooray for Hayday: Why We're Addicted to Mobile Games
Hooray for Hayday: Why We're Addicted to Mobile Games
Nicole Zhou May 10, 2022

It comes as no surprise that mobile games can become easily addictive. The bright colors and sound effects of the game draw you in, and you feel...

Quantum Computers
Quantum Computers
Sebastian Verrelli, Writer • March 28, 2022

Pharmaceutical drug formulation, fortified cybersecurity, maximum efficiency energy grids, and accurate weather forecasting are four seemingly...

A Cure For HIV?
A Cure For HIV?
Simone Glajchen, Editor-in-Chief • February 24, 2022

In the 1980s and 1990s, getting diagnosed with H.I.V. (human immunodeficiency virus) was a death sentence. The virus, which attacks the body’s...

Harnessing Viruses for Good
Harnessing Viruses for Good
Vivian Zweig February 9, 2022

Contrary to popular belief, viruses aren’t all bad. In fact, viruses have been used for centuries to treat cancer. Since the late 1800s, doctors...

Using or Abusing? The Problem With Study Drugs
Using or Abusing? The Problem With Study Drugs
Rahm Bharara and Andre Couto April 1, 2022

Approximately twenty percent of college students admit to misusing focus drugs—drugs meant to increase concentration and cognitive performance....

Believing In Conspiracy Theories Is Not Your Fault
Believing In Conspiracy Theories Is Not Your Fault
Suler Lu, Writer • March 26, 2022

If you were ever paying attention to library classes taught in Scarsdale Middle School, you would remember the acronym “CAARP”, which we...

STEMming with Opportunity: the Hidden Electives of SHS
STEMming with Opportunity: the Hidden Electives of SHS
Matthew Barotz March 25, 2022

Look through the schedules of Scarsdale High School students, and you will find the same courses in most; English, history, math, science, and...

No More Snow?
No More Snow?
Alex Akbarian, Writer • May 2, 2023

Flushing ice down the toilet. Putting a Toothbrush under the pillow. Waking up early, hoping that school was canceled. These are then the joys...

Narwhals Need Some Peace and Quiet
Narwhals Need Some Peace and Quiet
Amanda Nudelman, News Editor • April 17, 2023

In the remote waters of the Arctic lives a majestic, elusive whale, a whale so special that it needs its own article separate from “An Ode...

History's Deadliest Color: Radium Green
History's Deadliest Color: Radium Green
Irene Li, Feature Editor • April 17, 2023

When radium was first discovered in 1898, its new and exciting luminous green color garnered mass media and scientific attention. It was advertised...

Hot Spring Secrets
Hot Spring Secrets
Eian Tsou, Writer • December 30, 2022

It's not hard to find natural wonders within Yellowstone National Park, but the park's largest hot spring might be the most remarkable—and...


Would you eat a lab-grown chicken nugget?

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What's your favorite mobile game?

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June 1, 2022
June 1, 2022
May 17, 2022
May 17, 2022